Mr Michael Phoon Thin Kwai

Mr Michael Phoon Thin Kwai
Executive Director
Singapore Shipping Association
Michael Phoon is the Executive Director of the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA), championing Singapore’s maritime interests by engaging key stakeholders through special interest working groups and sub-committees to harmonize relations and priorities between the Shipping community and Government regulators and agencies. Prior to the SSA, he worked in the IT/Tech industry for over 25years.
Michael is the Secretary-General for the Federation of ASEAN Shipowners Association (FASA) and leads the representation of the ASEAN bloc of shipping associations for the ASEAN maritime transport sector.
He represents the shipping industry both Maritime Security and Safety and appointed as Advisor to the IFC and serving his 3rd term as Deputy Chairman of the National Maritime Safety@Sea Council.
He was instrumental in serving both industry and country needs during covid period, and he was awarded the Public Service Award in 2023.