Terms of Use
Terms of Use
Thank you for visiting this website (“Website”) which is owned and operated by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (“MPA”). By accessing this Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to any of these Terms of Use, please discontinue your access immediately.
MPA reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time from time to time at its discretion. All changes will be posted herein and your use of the Website after such change has been posted will constitute your agreement to the modified Terms of Use.
Intellectual Property and Proprietary Rights
- This Website and the information and services provided on or through this Website, including any live-streams, videos, programs, software or materials available on or through this Website (collectively referred to as the “Contents”) are protected by copyright, trademark or other forms of intellectual property rights . All rights in this Website and its Contents are owned by, licensed to, or controlled by MPA.
Restrictions on Use
You may access and use this Website and the Contents in the manner permitted in these Terms of Use only.
You may view, download and print the information found on this Website only for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided further you keep intact all accompanying copyright and proprietary notices.
You shall not make any deletions, additions, adjustments, alterations, adaptations or modifications to this Website or any of the Contents. You acknowledge and agree that any deletion, addition, adjustment, alteration, adaption or modification of this Website or any of the Contents is a violation of MPA’s rights.
You shall not create any hyperlinks to this Website, or frame this Website (or any part of it) or any of its Contents, or reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, or “mirror” any of its Contents, including any text, compilations, graphics, images, software programs, and all other kinds of works, without the prior written permission of MPA except with the prior written permission of MPA and subject to such conditions as MPA may impose. Any request for MPA’s permission should be addressed to: Ms Deborah Wong, Senior Manager (Safety Governance & Promotion), Deborah_WONG@mpa.gov.sg or Ms Shane Sheow, Senior Manager (Safety Governance & Promotion), Shane_SHEOW@mpa.gov.sg
MPA may grant, refuse, or revoke any permission, or modify the terms of any permission as it deems fit.
MPA reserves the right to disable any unauthorised hyperlinks to, or frames of, this Website (or any part of it) or any of its Contents.
This Website and the Contents are provided on a “as is” and “as available” basis without warranties of any kind.
- To the fullest extent permitted by law, MPA does not make any representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever in relation to this Website and the Contents and hereby disclaims all express, statutory or implied warranties of any kind to you or to any third party, whether arising from usage or custom or trade or by operation of law or otherwise, including:
- any representation or warranty as to as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currency, timeliness, completeness, title, merchantability, quality, fitness of any particular purpose of the Contents; and
- any representation or warranty that the Contents and functions available on this Website shall be error-free or available without interruption or delay, or that any defects will be rectified or corrected or that the Website, its Contents and hosting servers are and will be free of viruses and other harmful or malicious elements such as any corrupting codes, programmes or macros.
- MPA will not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind to you or any third party whatsoever and howsoever caused, including any direct, indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages, loss of income, revenue or profits, lost or damaged data, or damage to your computer, modem, mobile phone, software or any other property, arising directly or indirectly from:
- your access to or use of this Website or the Contents;
- any loss of access to or use of this Website or the Contents;
- any inaccuracy or incompleteness in, or errors or omissions or delays or interruptions in the transmission of the Contents;
- any decision made or action taken by you or any third party in reliance upon the Contents, regardless of whether MPA has been advised of the possibility of such damage or loss.
You shall obtain your own professional or legal advice relevant to your circumstances and conduct all necessary due diligence, as may be appropriate on any decision or action that you intend to take in relation to any matter concerning the Contents of this Website.
- You shall not rely on any Contents of this Website to claim or assert any form of legitimate expectation against MPA, in respect of any action that MPA may or may not take in the exercise of its discretion or in connection with MPA’s role as a public authority. The Contents on this Website do not constitute a promise or representation by MPA that MPA will or will not adopt any particular course of action. MPA reserves the right to change or modify its position in respect of any regulatory policies, schemes, initiatives or plans referred to on this Website at any time, and the Contents of this Website shall not be relied upon to preclude or limit or constrain MPA in exercising its rights, powers and discretion in any way, or to claim any form of legitimate expectation against MPA, whether procedural or substantive in nature, in respect of any action that MPA may or may not take in the exercise of its discretion or in connection with MPA’s role as a public authority.
- You hereby agree to indemnify MPA and hold MPA harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and expenses) made against or suffered or incurred by MPA arising directly or indirectly out of your access to or use of this Website or your breach of any of these Terms of Use.
Availability and Right of Access
MPA may at any time suspend the operation of this Website or all or any of the Contents for any period of time without any prior notice, whether for the purposes of Website updating, upgrading or system maintenance or otherwise.
MPA reserves all rights to deny or restrict access to this Website by any person, or to block access to this Website from any internet address, at any time without prior notice and without providing any reason for the same.
This Website and the Contents may be changed, modified, edited, removed or withdrawn by MPA at its discretion, at any time without prior notice and without providing any reason for the same.
Hyperlinks from this Website to other websites
This Website may provide hyperlinks to third party websites/ mobile applications. Such hyperlinks are provided for your convenience. MPA is not responsible for the contents or reliability of those websites / mobile applications and the provision of hyperlinks should not be construed as MPA’s endorsement of the same, or imply any affiliation or association with such third party. MPA has no control over and does not guarantee the accessibility or proper functioning of those websites / mobile applications. Such third party websites/ mobile applications may also have data protection and privacy practices that differ from MPA’s. MPA shall not be liable to you or any third party for any damage or loss whatsoever arising from your access to such websites/mobile applications. Use of the hyperlinks and access to the websites / mobile applications is at your own risk.
MPA reserves the right to remove or disable any hyperlink to any third party websites / mobile applications, at any time without prior notice and without providing any reason for the same.
Privacy Policy
- Click here to view this website’s Privacy Statement.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms of Use are governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore regardless of any choice of law provisions.
You hereby consent to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore regarding any and all disputes relating to the Terms of Use of this Website.