Capt Raymond Peter

Capt. Raymond Peter
Managing Director
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Capt. Raymond Peter is vastly experienced in the management of oil and chemical tankers, bulk, container, gas and offshore vessels. Raymond has been in the shipping industry for over 32 years, including 13 years at sea. He served on board NOL (Neptune Orient Lines) and exited as Master Mariner for AET (American Eagle Tankers). Having gained experience both in ship owning and ship management after moving to shore, he was also provided the opportunity to work with Class ABS.
Raymond is a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (FSIArb), Nautical Institute of Malaysia and Singapore. He is a part of the DNV-GL, ABS, Lloyd’s Register Technical Committees, Korean Register Southeast Asia Committee, Shell Focus Group for the Asian Pacific Region, Heads up the Container Committee and Intertanko Gas Committee for Asia Pacific. Raymond is an alumni for both NUS Singapore since 2018 and Cambridge University since 2021.