Mr David Townsend

Mr. David Townsend
Principal Fire Investigator
Andrew Moore & Associates (Singapore) Pte Ltd
David Townsend had a full 30-year career in the London Fire Brigade (LFB) in which he gained first-hand experience of fire through an attendance to over 3000 significant structure fires. His last 11 years of LFB service were with the dedicated fire investigation team in which he attended and reported on over 2000 fires. This included over 40 fatal fires. In 2006 David became an independent fire investigator, attending various locations worldwide to investigate fire, explosions, bombings as well as fire-related consultancy and expert witness assignments, both ashore and afloat. These include shore to ship live fire incident guidance. David is an active member and Fellow of the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE). Currently, as Principal Fire Investigator with Andrew Moore and Associates, he takes up considerable marine fire and explosion investigation along with land based and legal/desktop casework. His marine casework currently totals in excess of 40. He is also a keen scuba diver.